Pond5 for Film Clips & CaveWallMedia-Art for Design Gifts… t-shirts, mugs, jigsaws etc.

   Film Clips   &  Design Gifts

The captured and curated film clips are presented on POND5’s video stock footage platform.

CaveWallMedia is primarily structured for an educational function and POND5 takes care of licensing for both commercial and editorial usage.

The copyrights are still retained and managed through, so any enquiry to alternative usage permissions can be discussed direct.

Art prints and various apparel (t-shirts etc) are being made available through a partnership with the online printshop TeeMill… chosen for its sustainabilty credentials.

* The cotton cloth used, is GOTS certified organic.
* The art-prints are on premium 300gsm FSC certified recycled paper.

The packaging is NO PLASTIC ….. Rip & splash-proof mailer bags & art envelopes, made out of paper, are used.